
Showing posts from October, 2020

Top 12 Reasons to Exercise - Breathe Live Learn

 ( Disclaimer :  I'm not Sure if it's for you , But those of you who really care for your health and wellbeing ; And want to be fit but search reasons to prioritize exercise in your daily life  than this is for you  . Also to understand few things you need to have a science background .) Want to feel better, have more energy ,  be healthy and even add years to your life?      Than    Just exercise . The World Health Organisation (WHO) has awoken us to the dangers of a sedentary lifestyle by listing physical inactivity as the “fourth leading risk factor for global mortality causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths globally”. Several studies have demonstrated the problems that sitting causes, going so far as to compare the harmful effects of a desk-bound job to that of smoking. Prolonged sitting has been linked to umpteen serious health concerns, including obesity, diabetes, arthritis, cardiovascular disease, brittle bones, colon cancer, back pain, deep-vein-thrombosis, depressi