
Showing posts from March, 2021

Here's to strong women : may we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.

Let me tell you a story , There was a cute little girl I know , with cute little hands  cute little face , cute little accent , she could barely walk and stand. she started holding amma; in the left hand and learnt walking  People around who saw that cute little girl, told that once; she is grown  she will runway, with a cute little boy or a ugly big boy or just a boy  After 20 years , that little cute girl is a women now ; she has an opinion of her own , she has a career of her own ,  she has a voice of her own , she has the thoughts of her own , That cute little girl from the way I know her, she grew up silently with all the chaos going around  sometimes she did fall apart , torn apart , broke apart  still she did manage to get up even though it took lot of courage and strength and all the big words. she who, still find it hard when a men belittles her abilities  she who, still have'nt lost the virginity of her own self respect   I want to tell her that how proud I 'm that sh