
Showing posts from October, 2021

Never hide who you are.

  Always be you! 💓 You can be a marvellous singer , beautiful dancer , thought provoking artist , solaceful writer . You can walk like a lioness (or lion -  gender equality even in the thoughts you know) You can talk like a optimist You can be a Dynamic doctor , Gentle geologist , Resourceful researcher . You can fly like a sea bird ( basically albartross cause I love the story behind that bird) You can listen like a faithful fairy  You can be an excellent engineer , amusing accountant , brave bachelor  You can be crazy creator , intuitive instagrammer , intelligent iphone user  You can be conscious caretaker , amateur photographer , enigmatic environmentalist  You can be a exceptional economist , perfect programmer , clean chemist  You can be zealous zebra crosser , witty watchmaker , Tasteless teetotaler You can be dazzling ditcher , beautiful bitcher , rational racer  You can be macho marketer ,  hungry hustler , gorgeous gamer You can be sarcastic swimmer , repulsive retailer , tr