
Showing posts from September, 2020

"Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself."

  Love yourself doesn’t mean you think you're the smartest, most talented, and most brilliant person on the earth . When you love yourself,  you accept your own weaknesses,  appreciate yourself on the hard works you did,  you care for yourself,  you care for your own body,  you’ll feel good about yourself.  That lets you grow in a better way.   According to me you should love yourself such a way that, you don't let go a day without brushing your teeth.  (Those of you who brush, okay good) few of you (including me) who will be like, chalo chaltaye one day…. if I don't brush nothing happens know  “ As if lions and tigers will brush daily in forest “.... Stop being that level pro lazy and all okay. It's really really important to brush daily, even if you get up at 1 pm also brush your teeth and start your day.  (that’s my humble request for all of you)  If you really really love yourself please go brush okay. >> Bath properly, care for your own body. >>Dr


''We will eat the fruit of our own words" (Disclaimer : I will be referring to God few times , for me it is a strong power above all of us which is there in the universe . I believe sometimes my own conscience is god . For others,  soil , water , air, fire, atmosphere, sun , moon , planets whatever it is , it depends on there own beliefs . some are atheist too , they can consider there own brain as god :) ) You are what you are today because of what you’ve been saying about yourself “Words are like seeds. when you speak something out, you give life to what you’re saying “ If you continue to say it, eventually that can become a reality. Whether you realize it or not, you are foretelling your future. This is great when we’re saying things like “I’m blessed. I am strong. I will accomplish my dreams. I am coming out of this sorrow. I am coming out of debt, I am confident “ That’s not just being positive; your actually foretelling victory, foretelling success, foretelling

The Case that saved the Indian Democracy

 HOW A SEER SAVED THE DEMOCRACY AND MADE A HISTORY IN THE CONSTITUTION The judgement in Kesavananda Bharthi v/s state of Kerala was crucial in upholding the supremacy of the constitution and preventing authoritarian rule by a single political party. Kesavananda bharthi case   v/s state of kerala This case is one of the milestone cases in the history of constitution, it is reffered in explaining many aspects of constitution. ( I know there are many of you ,who neither want to know about constitution nor the government ….. you will be like chal yaar woh mera cup of tea nahi yeh ……. Its fine if u don’t like to   drink tea or coffee in the cup or not …… it will be great if u know many things vaguely. Like kuch cheejhze tumko pata hotha tho accha yeh na…….soo I will not make this too complicated lets keep it simple ….. I hope you can gain little knowledge from this one, may be ) Who was Kesavananda Bharati?  He was the head seer of the Edneer Mutt in Kasaragod district of Kerala since


Music is one among all the best things the universe as given us .   Music calms our mind lightens up our mood.  If one is suffering from loneliness or one who is introvert and want a break from all the fake dramas around them.  For them music is like a companion it feels like it’s a part of you to get lost from all the sorrows and to forgive things and forgive oneself and to come out of all the thoughts which keep lingering around the mind.   This genre of music is like Life Saving spirit.   “I am one of the searchers. There are, I believe, millions of us. We are not unhappy, but neither are we really content. We continue to explore life, hoping to uncover its ultimate secret. We continue to explore ourselves, hoping to understand. We like to walk along the beach, we are drawn by the ocean, taken by its power, its unceasing motion, its mystery and unspeakable beauty. We like forests and mountains, deserts and hidden rivers, and the lonely cities as well. Our sadness is as much a