"Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself."


Love yourself doesn’t mean you think you're the smartest, most talented, and most brilliant person on the earth.

When you love yourself, 

you accept your own weaknesses,

 appreciate yourself on the hard works you did,

 you care for yourself, 

you care for your own body, 

you’ll feel good about yourself. 

That lets you grow in a better way.


According to me you should love yourself such a way that, you don't let go a day without brushing your teeth. 

(Those of you who brush, okay good) few of you (including me) who will be like, chalo chaltaye one day…. if I don't brush nothing happens know 

“ As if lions and tigers will brush daily in forest “.... Stop being that level pro lazy and all okay. It's really really important to brush daily, even if you get up at 1 pm also brush your teeth and start your day. (that’s my humble request for all of you)

 If you really really love yourself please go brush okay.

>> Bath properly, care for your own body.

>>Drink enough water, keep yourself hydrated.

>>Eat at proper time. Don’t let yourself eat breakfast at 12:00pm or 1pm in afternoon. It is not a good habit for long run. Eat healthy.

>>Exercise regularly, doesn't mean you need to squat, run, jump. 

Just stop sitting at the same place for hours instead walk around, sit straight while you sit. Stretch your arms, legs, body once you finish watching that movie or that episode whatever it may be, your eye, head, neck, arm, spinal cord everything needs little rest too. Even the phone or the laptop or the tablet let it charge too. Give them rest.

"Life is painful and messed up. It gets complicated at the worst of times, and sometimes you have no idea where to go or what to do.

 Lots of times people just let themselves get lost, dropping into a wide open, huge abyss. 

But that's why we have to keep trying. We have to push through all that hurts us, work past all our memories that are haunting us. 

Sometimes the things that hurt us are the things that make us strongest. A life without experience, in my opinion, is no life at all. 

And that's why I tell everyone that, even when it hurts, never stop yourself from living."


--Alysha Speer

 11 things you should start doing, if you really love and care yourself.


1). Be kind to yourself

Sometimes the World is too harsh and gives you lot of critique . Even if you end up having  bad days; just don’t keep thinking, it was bad and it was all your mistakes . 

Instead play your favorite music and feed yourself a nice snack .

 Not just on your birthdays celebrate yourself daily ; Especially on those weak days, when you feel low.


2). Be Grateful for what you have

Gratitude is important . 

First Be thankful for your existence.

 (Because you are born as Human  and not as a mosquitoe ….. 

No one likes and cares for mosquitoes ; but  still they exist right .

 Even in that short life , They are happy sucking blood)

Start your day being thankful for the food you eat , air you breathe, water you drink and don’t hesitate to thank those handful of people who helps you grow . 

End your day saying thankyou to the universe; for giving you an other day to live.


3). Trust yourself to make good decisions for yourself

You know yourself better than anyone else , stop doubting yourself and your ability to do what is right.

Always give ear to your instincts and conscience before you make a decision .

 If you decide something ; you will be bound to that ...such a way , by taking your own responsibilities and At the end of the day; you won’t give up .


4). Don’t be afraid to let go of toxic people

If  there’s someone who's  bringing toxicity into your life , you need to step away from them .

It’s not rude / wrong to remove yourself from situations or the bunch of people who are draining you.

Let go of those who always find you annoying  and Just throw more dirt at you; even though, they know you have already had enough.

And also those who don’t value you and your time are not worth too.



5). Remember your value doesn't lie in how your body looks

Fair , dark, thin , thick , tall , short ….. these features doesn’t define you and your ability . 

You are valuable because you are you and not because of your body . 

Wear what keeps you confident , comfortable  and happy .


6). Process your fears

Evaluate your own fears that will help you to gain clarity and 

unmask issues in your life .


7). Allow yourself to make mistakes

“Nobody’s perfect , Everyone makes mistakes “ .

Make mistakes so you can learn and grow from them . 

Embrace your past .

You are constantly changing and growing from who you will be one day .

Make mistakes lots of them ! The lessons you’ll gain are priceless.


8). Put yourself first

If you don’t then who else will .

Give priority to your own feelings , emotions and your own work ; Later you can think about others .

You can’t always, sit and sacrifice things for others happiness .


9). Practice Boldness in public

Your thoughts , your voice , your views matters than anyone else’s .

Be bold enough to give your views on what you don’t find good about . Be it about a human or a product or a Institution .

Even it can be around your own relatives , who always keep trying to suppress you , Be bold enough to ask them to shut up .


10). Don’t worry about others opinions

You can’t make everyone happy .

 There are 1.3 billion people in the country .

 And each one will have different views about you , If you keep asking everyone . So it’s a waste of time .

Don’t worry of what society thinks or expects from you .

You try being the best you possible .



11). Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparing ourselves to others is natural , but its bad if you feel low seeing other’s life on social media .

There is just no point in comparing yourself to others;  when there is just one you .


“ Don’t let yourself suffer just because no one cares for you , 

If no one care’s so what , your more than enough for yourself .

 Be away from fake sympathy and care and create your own self love and care . 

Because you are valuable for you “

Think and see, how far you’ve come, how you’ve survived .

You’re here , right now , alive and powerful behind your knowledge .

Be patient with your self .

Self love may not happen overnight;  with time , it’ll settle in your heart .


(P.S – And just because you love yourself , Don’t show narcissism to others ; which I did once.

If someone say they care for you and they love you , do say them you love and care for them too . 

Instead of thank you , I love myself too …. Hahahahahaaaa:)

Posted by Lekhana 



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