Bhavanegalige olagagabeda elle avakke bhele ella - Don't immerse yourself into feelings and emotions ,they are not valued in the real world

  Mental Illness Is More Visible Than Ever Yet The Stigma Remains The Same |  by Gabriella Evangeline | Medium



Mental Illness Types, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

okay I m not mad or mental . I don't need to read this.... ohh I got you 

let me explain ...

5 signs of mental illness are 



1.Excessive worry or anxiety - crazyheadcomics hashtag on Twitter


( the thinking which everyone do like I m gonna be a doctor or a engineer or a civil servant ... wait what if I don't become will I survive .... what if I don't get a job what if I don't settle well. what if I don't earn well , what if I don't get a better life partner ...worries is all about the future which is not yet come ..... still these are just examples everyone have different things to worry about day and night ).

 Quiz: Are you plain sad or battling depression? | The Times of India

2. Long lasting sadness or irritability -

 ( you wake up sad for no reason ... your just sad because of all the worries you fed your brain .... you start screaming on everyone for no reason . your mum call you to eat food you scream at her .... If someone actually dint do some work properly you scream at them for silly reason . if the dog is barking or someone is honking you get irritated just like that )

 Silly, Depressed, Happy, Angry – Discover With Me


3. Extreme changes in mood -

( you were so happy just 20 minutes back .... 1 hour is passed by already you feel lost . By the end of the day you feel numb .... you question everything in the world why was I born here I wanted to be in south korea or London ..... why is earth round.... where is god )

5 Ways Your Sleep Affects What You Eat | HuffPost Life

4. Dramatic changes in eating or sleeping patterns -

( you eat very little some days ..... some days you don't even feel like eating .... some days you eat above your appetite .... you used to get soo much sleep as a child that good sleep which only very few percentage of population gets  ..... but you start losing sleep you just keep scrolling social media under your bedsheet until dawn . you don't even sleep somedays ... otherwise there are days when you sleep the whole day you will wake up in the evening or afternoon ...)

 Social Isolation by Jonathan Holt on Dribbble

5. Social withdrawal -

( At extreme days you don't even feel like going out . At one point you stop receiving calls even from your close circle the friends, family. you pretend like you don't exist ... like you start sleeping the whole day and eat when you feel like .... wake up when you feel like ..... your whole body is under the control over those emotions and feelings )

Mental Health Stigma in the UAE – Sail Magazine

Now in this Generation Z all these symptoms have become soo common that even if the studys say .... they are the symptoms of mental illness 

Its so common in everyones life like common cold .5 Steps to mastering your worry and letting go of what people think – Elise  Burnell



How to grow strong overcoming all these

 for that you need to create good habits  

Good habits - ohh comee onn I m not a alcoholic , Obviously not a chain smoker 

Ohh dudee chill they are just habits which ruin physical body .

These good habits are for mental being ..

1. start journaling  at the end of the day include 3 things you were grateful for .

And 3 things you accomplish each day . ( It may be just taking your dog for walk , even that you got up early , you actually read a book )

2. Just take first step even though you don't see the full staircase - Do something your good at .... It might be cooking a new dish or painting or coloring or doodling or dancing or singing or just talking too .... talk to your ownself nobody can be a better listener than your ownself . comedy laugh .

4.Practice forgiveness - Forgive everyone even your own self.

5." What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us . And when you bring what lies within out into the world , miracles happen . "  Stay in Present .

6. Keep trying something new which keeps you excited.

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new".

🤣 @crazyheadcomics - What's the harm? | Facebook






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